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Working From Home: How Classic Informatics Adopted The Alternate Workplace

Written by Kanika Gupta | Apr 1, 2020 12:17:22 PM

We are in Quarantine but our work is not.

The global spread of the COVID-19 is just like a thriller Hollywood movie which comes with a lot of dreadful and horrifying scenes one after the other. Every single day we come to know some or the other scary news and the entire nation has been put under lockdown to curb it's spread.

Keeping Hand sanitizers on every desk. Advisory flyers on every wall. Blocked Biometric machine - not just enough for keeping us safe.

As a part of the prevention plan, Team Classic Informatics is social distancing and working from home. It's been two weeks and going. We are all set toDELIVER THE BEST FROM THE REST as always.

Remote working can be tricky for others, but we are excelling it!



The Start - We Were Prepared

Luckily, keeping our ears on to all the mess happening around the world proved worthwhile. Before the entire nation went into a 21-day lockdown, we had our dry run of work from home. We did trials to ensure how remote tools are productive to us and also check the efficiency of remote networking.

But before going into that process, the first thing we did was disabling the biometric system and placing sanitizers on all the desks.

Then came the lockdown. Our Work From Home(WFH) was started.  Systems were allocated, tools were installed, VPNs were issued. And then finally our office was shut down.

Bringing Office Lives to Homes 

Our workstations changed from office work desks to personalized 'home-office' spaces. 

It was difficult shift, yes. 

Things are going to change when you bring your professional life into personal space. It happened with us as well. Imagine conducting client meetings in pajamas with your kid shouting at the back. Or your mother asking for food again and again (sometimes they are unstoppable). And it’s not enough, that somewhere in the kitchen, a vessel is dropped so hard that it makes your brain shudder.

That's a new normal for the most of us. And we are enjoying it :)

But, this is such an amazing experience to be at home. It gives each one of us an opportunity to be together all the time even at work. 


3...2...1... Get. Set. Virtual Interactions.

For many of us, WFH could be a lonely experience as we got stuck at home. No hangouts, no shopping, no dinner dates, no friends...nothing like that.

This is where our virtual meetings help you out from the isolation. The one in the morning that is scrum where we start our work day meeting with teammates discussing vital things to be done on daily a basis.

We can see employees lying on bed with systems, giving the fact that their bed is their office. Some are taking calls in the garden where we could see sprawling trees, dogs barking and yes empty roads with least noise.

Though, it’s all sounds amazing. We see virtual tea party organized on Zoom for the team to bring smiles to all faces and keep spirits high during quarantine.

Zoom meetings, Webwork tracker, Slack, Basecamp and so on. We have used them earlier also, but this time we are trying to make the max of it.

If I ask how its to be an I.T professional during the #coronavirus outbreak.. The answer is- Do you remember when the Titanic was sinking and the band kept playing till the end. We are part of that band.


Working With New Colleagues - Family n Pets

Work from home comes with a surprise packet for all of the family members. Your dear ones get more time to be with you. Kids are the happiest when they see their dad or mom working at home.

Our teammates - the pet dads/moms and parents - are rejoicing their times with their naughty 'colleagues'. We are sharing our workstations with 'new colleagues'- as our 'kids' take over the keyboards giving you a company at work from home.


How can you forget  your daily scrum meetings with your RM and other teammates?



Working With Coffee, On sofas,  In Balcony, having popcorn, taking dinner, lying on beds, and what not.


At Classic Informatics, we truly believe that NO MATTER WHAT, THE SHOW MUST GO ON.

What Lies In The Future?

The week passed and we have learnt a lot during remote working.

The complete change in the work environment amid our infrastructure breakdown had no impact on the commitment and dedication of the team. We are still the best in managing client deliverables on time.

We learnt how seamless communication between teams was managed via channels-Zoom calls, Skype, Slack and so on. There was clarity and visibility of goals we are going to accomplish to make ourselves BEST OUT OF THE REST.   

Read also: Top 6 Remote Working tools when working from home

This situation makes us learnt that everyone is capable of taking initiatives to get things done and are accountable towards their responsibilities in every manner.

We don’t know how long the lockdown goes. But one thing is for sure, we are ready to face any situation and to deliver our best to our clients with no disruptions.