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6 Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring Remote Developers

Written by Tanya Kumari | Sep 9, 2022 9:00:00 AM

When you hire a remote developer, it's easy to get caught up in the thrill of working with someone on a contract basis. 

You might think about how much money you're saving by hiring someone overseas instead of here at home. 

Or maybe how cool it would be if this person could work from anywhere in the world! 

But before you start scheduling interviews with either remote or freelance developers from all over the globe, there are a few things that need to be done first—especially if you want your relationship with your soon-to-be employee to last.

Hiring A Remote Developer For The Wrong Reasons

The 2020 pandemic has forced organizations to hire remote developers, and adapt the remote working lifestyle. The most common reason people hire remote developers is because it’s convenient, or because they have a financial incentive to do so. 

This might be true at first—but if you get into bad habits of hiring based on convenience, then you may find yourself stuck with poor performance and zero personal connection in the long run.

When you hire someone remotely, there’s less accountability than in an office setting. 

You can avoid being held to account for mistakes because there are fewer people around to notice them happening or point them out. It’s easy for this kind of behavior to become ingrained in your company culture over time.

Forgetting That Remote Developers Are Humans Too

You probably know that remote developers are people, and as such, they have lives outside the work. 

They may not be in your office at the exact same time you are, but that doesn't mean they don't exist (or aren't working).

However, it's easy to forget this when there's no one else around. You may get used to the fact that someone is always on call for your project—which can lead you to taking them for granted or treating them like a robot: "I need something done by tomorrow." 

However, this approach can hurt both parties in the long run: If you don't take the time to understand how your remote developers work or what their needs and expectations are, then how can you expect them to deliver great work?

Have other questions about hiring remote developers? Here are some useful resources that will eliminate all doubts:

Assuming That Developers Don't Mind Being Micromanaged

Remote developers can expand the strength of in-house developers as they provide the critical skills and technical expertise required for your project. While it’s true that some developers are more independent than others, there are plenty of developers who don’t mind being micromanaged. They just want to be told what to do and when to do it.

Some companies hire remote or freelance developers because they think it will be cheaper or easier to supervise them compared with local employees, but this is a false assumption. 

Remote workers have all the same needs as any other employee – including respect and appreciation for their work. 

If you aren’t willing to give your remote developers this kind of attention, then hiring them probably isn't worth the cost savings or convenience (if there even is any).

Believing That It's Easy To Hire A Remote Developer

You might be surprised to learn that hiring a remote developer isn’t as easy as it sounds.

The first key to success is being ready to invest in the hiring process. This means you need to be willing to invest time and resources into attracting, screening, interviewing and vetting candidates. 

You also need to have an understanding of what makes good remote developers (and where they come from).One of the most vital skills that a remote developer must possess is an in-depth knowledge of trending technologies and the rich industry experience required for the project.

The second key is being ready for onboarding your new hire. If you don’t have clear expectations about what will happen during their first week or two on the job then you may find yourself missing out on crucial training opportunities because no one bothered organizing them ahead of time!

Finally, it's important not just hiring someone but keeping them happy with their work environment over time - this includes things like flexible hours so they can spend time with family/friends when needed too.

There are many ways you hire a right remote employee. Social media is one of the best options to get in connection with the right candidate. You can post your requirements  there so people fulfilling your criteria will contact you directly. To make this process easy you can use social media scheduling tools to schedule your posts in advance for different social media platforms.

Expecting Availability Even When Your Schedules

When you cannot see the person in office it is natural to lead to assumptions. However, be careful with your assumptions.

  • Don’t assume that someone will be available at a certain time just because it’s your schedule.
  • Don’t assume that everyone has the same expectations of availability for their teams, projects, or cultures.
  • Don't assume that everyone works the same hours as you do in your time zone.
  • Don't assume definitely  that anyone anywhere will be available 24/7—or even 5 AM to 9 PM every day of the week!

Facing Communication Problems Due To Cultural Differences

It might not be as obvious as you think, but culture plays a big role in how people communicate. There are cultural differences all around us, from how we interact socially to our language and pronunciation.

After doing some research on this topic, I found that many countries have their own unique ways of communicating - some more direct and others more indirect. 

These differences can make it difficult for remote teams to understand each other's communication styles (especially when they're different).

For example:

  • Americans tend to be more direct than Spanish speakers who prefer using hints and leaving room for interpretation when coordinating tasks.
  • Brazilians tend to ask questions with multiple implied meaning.
  • Germans prefer speaking in small doses over long conversations.

"By learning from these mistakes, you can go on to have productive and profitable relationships with your remote hires."

It's important to avoid making the same mistakes that others have made before you. You'll want to make sure that you're hiring for the right reasons, and not just because it's convenient or cost efficient.

It also helps if you remember that your remote developers are human as well. They can't be working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—even if they do work remotely! 

And although they may understand English perfectly well, they might have trouble communicating with someone who doesn't speak their native language fluently (or at all).

You may also go through these when hiring developers remotely.


The bottom line is that remote developers can be valuable members of your team, but they won’t be able to do their best without the right tools and support. By hiring someone who has these skills already built into their personality, you’ll be well on your way to success!

P. S. Good news! Classic Informatics has been selected among the Top 15 Web Development Companies in the United Kingdom by DesignRush.